Lust for Life

Collection printemps 2022​

Collection printemps 2022​

Parlez-vous YeYe ?​

The language of Joy, the language of Style?

Yes! I speak it with my feet and I speak it with my arms and the way I throw my body back and



Can’t keep still. Can’t wait to go out. Meet up with you, a date for two, at the Café Fantaisie, where dreams come true.

I can do what I want and be what I want. Join the fun. Let’s go and explore.



Dance to the rhythm and the music of the streets. Swinging from a lamppost, the city is my dance floor.


They keep the lights on for me. I’m the life of the night. You take my picture as I sit on the bar. I lean into the lens. 



There’s more to explore.

There is more to the night.

Will you come with me?




I catch your eye as I walk up the gallery steps.

Or maybe you’d like to study a real-life work of art?

In a Mademoiselle YeYe dress.